Armando Jacox


My From a young age, I was captivated and intrigued by poetry. At the age of ten I won a poetry contest and this experience ignited a lifelong passion for creative writing. Despite this early success, my parents divorced when I was only three, each struggling with their own demons: a father with acute alcoholism and a mother with post traumatic stress.  My teenage years were marred by turmoil— fueled by a growing addiction to drugs and alcohol.  In addition, I had undiagnosed ADHD, something that would not be discovered until my mid forties.   

Despite the odds stacked against me, I persisted to get ahead and graduated from Durango High School in 1996. I found solace and support in key figures: teachers, counselors, and my high school girlfriend, all of whom provided the encouragement I desperately needed to keep moving forward. One teacher in particular, a creative writing teacher named Rene Stallings, saw potential in me when no one else did, and she appointed me as Editor of the school's literary magazine. This role was more than an honor; it was a lifeline that redirected the trajectory of my entire life.

My journey through education is a testament to my resilience and ability to overcome challenges. After graduating high school, I attended a local community college, then the University of Nevada Las Vegas, and finally finishing my Bachelor of Arts at The University of Arizona. I followed my high school girlfriend to Arizona and although the experience was indispensable, my addiction returned with a vengeance nearly claiming my life and derailing my achievements and caused a traumatic breakup with my high school girlfriend.

Finding recovery while in college with the help of the school as well as Alcoholics Anonymous, was a massive turning point. Now, with twenty-two years of sobriety under my belt, I often reflect on a journey marked by both despair and redemption. Sobriety allowed me to complete my education, embark on a fulfilling marriage, and start a family. For years, I prioritized providing for my family working as a salesman and eventually a business owner; setting my creative ambitions aside. Although the love for my family is deep and providing for them is an enormous responsibility and priority, I am called to creativity. Now with an official and creditable diagnosis with Adult ADHD and an effective treatment plan, I feel that my dreams are within my grasp. I have returned to my original passion of writing and am developing other long term interests of filmmaking and technology.


My entrepreneurial journey is marked by a series of ventures, each reflecting my dynamic spirit and leadership abilities. Among these, a standout is the local Colorado roofing company named Foothills Roofing and Exteriors that I successfully led for five years in Colorado. After working for seven years as a roofing Sales Manager for Rocky Mountain Roofing and Restoration, I decided to go start my own roofing company. I started the company from scratch and with the support of my spouse Annie we hired several employees, subcontractors, and managed all aspects of this complex business. My foray into entrepreneurship didn't stop there; I also launched a video marketing agency. There, I produced an array of high-quality commercial videos, including a TV-quality sizzle reel that doubled as a proof of concept for a potential television series. Managing a team of talented creatives, as well as collaborating with independent directors and casting agents, I sharpened my leadership and video production project management skills.

Each venture served as a stepping stone, enriching my experience across industries and honing my ability in being resourceful, creative, and an insightful business person. These experiences culminated in my return to my original passion in creative writing and ignited a passion for another long term interest: independent filmmaking. The desire to become an independent filmmaker started as a tiny morsel and has grown like a tree expanding and leading me to enroll in school and establish a foundation by earning a Bachelors of Fine Art in Film and Television at CU Denver. I am currently a non-traditional student and enjoy the good fortune of meeting an array of interesting people. I get to practice and develop and develop a diverse skill set as a writer, producer, director, and actor. Drawing from my eclectic background I can take a project from the various stages of initial idea, development, financing, pre-production, production, post production, and distribution; all with the goal of creating compelling stories that are also profitable.


Currently work as Director of Sales and Marketing at Sol Vista Roofing as a full-commission 1099 Independent Contractor. Sol Vista Roofing is a reputable roofing contractor in the Denver and Boulder areas and in twelve months I was able to help the company grow by 3X. The company went from $1m in late 2022, then $3m when I came on board in 2023 and is now on track to hit $5m in revenue in 2024. This experience has taught me that I'm better suited in a support position rather than an Owner when it comes to roofing. After operating my company for five years it has been a breath of fresh air to return to a support position and assist someone else with growing their business. I work closely with a top-producing sales person who I recruited and trained from scratch several years ago. My focus is on lead generation and he has become a high level closer. Together we work closely with the owner, staff, and independent contractors to create a good customer experience and drive the company toward its financial objectives. My long-term interest in technology and web development has persisted and Sol Vista Roofing gave me the opportunity to improve their online marketing strategy and improve the general operations. They paid for a pro-web designer and SEO Consultant to train me one on one and I have learned a great deal from that.

Over the last two years I've learned to build websites from scratch, implement and develop SEO strategies, and I am now learning Google Ad management independently. My passion for digital marketing and technology continues to deepen and I am excited about taking earning a Certificate in Digital Marketing from Denver University this summer. I plan to develop and deepen my skill set in digital marketing and web design and eventually work in digital marketing full time.

Beyond my professional endeavors, I am deeply committed to my education as a part-time BFA student in Film and Television at CU Denver. I actively participate in the local film scene, being a member of the Colorado Film and Video Association and engaging with the Denver film community. Currently, I am developing a feature film project based on my eighteenth birthday—the day my mother told me I had to move out. This is an enormous undertaking and a short film and a feature-length movie—and has recently taken on the exciting challenge of producing a full-length documentary alongside an experienced local Colorado film Director. He goes on acting auditions regularly and enjoys honing the craft of filmmaking.  

Through all of this I prioritize my family time and accept that my professional and creative goals will need to take a backseat because spending quality time and caring for my family is my true purpose in life. We enjoy doing wholesome family activities like playing and watching sports, volunteering at our kid's school, spending time with friends, and doing fun activities in beautiful Colorado. There is so much to do in Colorado and it's a wonderful place to raise a family. Although I long to live in Los Angeles and pursue a career in film, I will embrace the good life we enjoy in Colorado and make the best of the small film industry that we have in Colorado.

Social Media

I have enjoyed being a content creator over the years, engaging audiences on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram with his dynamic and diverse content. My digital storytelling journey began with YouTube's rise in 2007, where I embarked on a documentary about sustainable energy for the Curriculum for Life program by Landmark Education. Although the project was halted during post-production due to the specialized nature of video editing at the time, it planted the seeds for his future endeavors.

In 2018, I launched the podcast "Roofing It!" to inspire the roofing industry through conversations with its leaders, including CEOs and industry experts. My commitment to quality led me to learn to use professional recording equipment and set up my own in-house podcasting studio. Transitioning the podcast into a video web series, I not only rekindled my passion for being on camera but also significantly expanded my audience, attracting thousands of weekly viewers and securing sponsors for the web series.

My creative journey took a turn on TikTok, where I share my experience with ADHD and sobriety. These candid videos offer a glimpse into the challenges of getting a late diagnosis of Adult ADHD and the journey of living sober. Tik Tok provides me a valuable outlet both personally and my viewers.

Currently, I am redefining my YouTube channel to focus on business-centric video essays. My Instagram has become a showcase for my photography and experimental video projects. This pivot reflects my ever-evolving creative identity and my commitment to sharing my life lessons and personal experiences with a broader audience.